3 Key Rules For Decorating Kitchen Floating Shelves

Open shelving is the newest trend for home kitchen renovations. Pinterest has actually predicted it to be one of the biggest home trends for 2021 and we can see why! Cabinetry is normally one of the most expensive items for a kitchen renovation. Floating shelves break up the monotony of identical cabinets, they are a great way to display all of your dishware and glasses and they help to create an open kitchen concept which makes your kitchen appear larger.
Whether you are planning on adding a few floating shelves in addition to your upper cabinets or you are saying goodbye to upper cabinets completely, there are three key rules that you will want to follow when decorating and creating a functional space.
1. Think through your colors
In my opinion, the best part of floating shelves instead of cabinetry is that everyday kitchen items become part of your decor. With this, you will want to think through your color scheme and pull in colors that are already in your kitchen. Use your paint, appliances, back splash and tile colors to determine what colors you want to display and stick to 3 colors at the most. I recommend always starting with a white or more neutral color and then adding a color splash to pull in other parts of your kitchen.
2. Use Cleanable Items
Open cabinets allow everything to be seen, but they also allow for everything to get dusty faster. Closed cabinets protect from settling dust and grease. Even if you don’t realize it, grease settles in your kitchen in areas that are not cleaned regularly, which then causes a glue like texture that really makes the dust a headache. My solution to this is to add items to my shelves that I know I will use on a regular basis, so they stay clean and I don’t have to make it another chore to clean them. I like to use my everyday plates and glassware on my shelves because I know they will be used and washed on a regular basis and then to give the shelf a good wipe down once a week to catch anything else that may have settled on the shelves.
3. Add Texture
Adding texture helps to bring your shelves to life. I love to mix textures when decorating floating shelves. I will normally mix glass, wood and ceramic to create texture in the space. I also like to think through the way that I stack my items to add another element of texture. Stacking my bowls at a slant or adding a plate behind a stack of plates, creates a little imperfection which I think is key to perfect floating shelves.
Some great items to use when decorating your floating shelves
- Plates
- Bowls
- Glasses
- Wine glasses
- Cookbooks
- Candles
- Plants (real or faux)
- Coffee mugs
- Milk glass
- Cake plates and other serving piece
- A wire basket
- A bowl of fruit (real or faux)
- A cutting board,
- Copper pots & pans
- A decorative kitchen scale
- Coffee or tea accessories,
- Folded kitchen towels
- And any other items typically found in a kitchen.
Make sure that you space your items out and pair them in ways that make sense (glassware with other glasses). You want your floating shelves to be able to “breath” and not seem over crowded with “stuff”. This is a way to display items you love and use so they need their space to shine.
I would love to hear about your tips and tricks when decorating your shelves! If you are in need for some perfect kitchen floating shelves, head over to Willow & Grace Designs on Amazon and grab some of these beauties!
The idea of using cleanable items is the best. It is very visible so it should be well- and easy-to-maintain. Great tips.
Reed, Owner of Jackson Tile Installation
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